Phạm, Quang Huy
Full Name
Phạm, Quang Huy
Current Affiliation
I was born in 1978.
I completed my Bachelor degree in the field of Computer Science at Dalat University, Lâm Đồng, Vietnam in 12/2000.
I completed my Master degree in the field of Computer Science at
University of Science, Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2005
I completed my PhD in the field of Computer Science at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada in 2020.
Since I persused my Master in Computer Science I have paid most of my research attention in AI and Data Science, especially in machine learning. My ambition is to become an expert in this field, both in academics and in practice. To get that goal I must keep reinforcing background knowledge, updating new knowledge of those field, and getting involved in real life applications. For me, getting involved in real life applications is the best way to improve my understandings and skills.
Present Position
Employment History
Teaching asisstant/ Computer Science, 2000-2008
Lecturer/ Computer Science, since 2008
Lecturer/ Computer Science, since 2008
Research Expertise/Interests
Data mining, AI, Machine learning, Deep learning

Curriculum development, quality assurance, evaluation (if any)
English for Data Science
Python programming
Introduction to programming
Introduction to AI
Discrete Mathematics
Python programming
Introduction to programming
Introduction to AI
Discrete Mathematics
Significant positions held within Department/School/Division
Head of Computer Science Section, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Significant positions held within University level
Deputy Director in charge of AI Center, Dalat University