Full Name
Lê, Quang Huy
Academic Title
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Present Position
Employment History
From 2017 to now: Lecturer
From June 2008 to June 2017: Lecturer; Head of the Environmental Technology Division
From October 2004 to May 2008: Lecturer
From June 2004 to September 2004: Teaching Assistant
Research Expertise/Interests
Water and wastewater engineering, Mebrane technology, Environmental impact assessment, Water resources management
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Curriculum development, quality assurance, evaluation (if any)
Water and Wastewater Engineering, Environmental Impact Asessment, Solid Waste Disposal Methods and Management
Significant positions held within Department/School/Division
From June 2008 to June 2017: Head of the Environmental Technology Division
Service to public sector departments and statutory authorities, agencies, boards, committees and inquiries
Consultant in water resource management and exploitation; environmental impact assessment (EIA) reporting and appraisal; design, construction, and operation of water supply and wastewater treatment systems; industrial pollution control consulting; environmental education expert for government agencies, businesses, and communities.